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Selenium Element Click not Working after Zoom In while using Chrome

Need help in automating my use case using selenium

My Usecase to automate

  1. Navigate to a page
  2. Zoom Out page ( I am aware of the fact 100% is accurate for selenium scripts, but I have to make the page to 90% )
  3. Click on Save button in the page
  4. Reset zoom level of the page

I tried the following two approaches

Approach#1 : ( With this there is no change in zoom setting and script failed )

mysavelement.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.SUBTRACT));
mysavelement.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "0"));

Approach#2 : ( With this approach zoom setting got changed and script passed. Though script passed, click functionality is not working means save not happening )

 Robot robot = new Robot();

I too have experienced click functionality sometimes failing on chrome browser when I try to zoom-in/out the browser. But, for firefox, it works fine. I don't know the reason for such a behavior, but javascript click workaround helped in such scenarios. Try, below work-around if not already tried:

(JavascriptExecutor)driver.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", mysavelement);

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