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Array type expected; found: 'java.util.map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>'

I have my variable the first class like:

    companion Object{
        @JvmField val foo = mapOf("a" to "b")

And when I call it from another class like:


appears an error saying "Array type expected; found: 'java.util.map < java.lang.String,java.lang.String>'" What is the problem?

Note that if I do the same call in MyClass it works perfectly

These are the errors: 在此处输入图像描述

This is my real array values:

companion object{
    @JvmField val darkMode = mapOf(
        "bgColor" to "#000000",
        "cardColor" to "#262626"

The error comes when I call it from a class that extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder在此处输入图像描述

I just tried this:

        val foo = mapOf("a" to "Red")

And it works fine, can you share more details about the exception?


I tried using your MyClass exactly as written, except i've replaced the value of a by Red instead of your b string.

Are you using parseColor correctly?

     * </p>Parse the color string, and return the corresponding color-int.
     * If the string cannot be parsed, throws an IllegalArgumentException
     * exception. Supported formats are:</p>
     * <ul>
     *   <li><code>#RRGGBB</code></li>
     *   <li><code>#AARRGGBB</code></li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>The following names are also accepted: <code>red</code>, <code>blue</code>,
     * <code>green</code>, <code>black</code>, <code>white</code>, <code>gray</code>,
     * <code>cyan</code>, <code>magenta</code>, <code>yellow</code>, <code>lightgray</code>,
     * <code>darkgray</code>, <code>grey</code>, <code>lightgrey</code>, <code>darkgrey</code>,
     * <code>aqua</code>, <code>fuchsia</code>, <code>lime</code>, <code>maroon</code>,
     * <code>navy</code>, <code>olive</code>, <code>purple</code>, <code>silver</code>,
     * and <code>teal</code>.</p>
    public static int parseColor(@Size(min=1) String colorString) {
        if (colorString.charAt(0) == '#') {
            // Use a long to avoid rollovers on #ffXXXXXX
            long color = Long.parseLong(colorString.substring(1), 16);
            if (colorString.length() == 7) {
                // Set the alpha value
                color |= 0x00000000ff000000;
            } else if (colorString.length() != 9) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown color");
            return (int)color;
        } else {
            Integer color = sColorNameMap.get(colorString.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
            if (color != null) {
                return color;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown color");


Ok, you said "a class that extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder " but said class is just an abstract class inside the RecyclerView class, so it has no setBackgroundColor in it, unless you're doing something like:

yourViewHolderInstance.itemView.setBackgroundColor .

So what is the signature of your setBackgroundColor?

Does it look like public void setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int color) { ?

I just added this to my app just for fun:

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
        (holder as BaseViewHolder).bind(getItem(position))

// For Filippo :)

And well... it all looks very RED now. :)


Ok, so according to your last update, you're calling this from Java, therefore you cannot use the Kotlin syntax...

Do this:

        final Map<String, String> foo = MyClass.foo;

Obviously, you can avoid the intermediate assignment and go for:


I usually prefer the former, especially if you give it all meaningful names and need debugging, but there's no real difference as far as I'm concerned.

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