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Python: how to plot flight track/ routine on map

I am trying to plot a flight routine on map with location data.

I got a position data which also include other information. Part of data is attached below. The fifth column and sixth column are lat and lon respectively.

   0 C130  30-07-2018 20:07   43.53 -116.16  887.60    887.598
   1 C130  30-07-2018 20:08   43.49 -116.17  860.73    860.733
   2 C130  30-07-2018 20:09   43.45 -116.23  832.14    832.143
   3 C130  30-07-2018 20:10   43.42 -116.29  798.53    798.529
   4 C130  30-07-2018 20:11   43.39 -116.36  769.36    769.359
   5 C130  30-07-2018 20:12   43.38 -116.44  744.33    744.332
   6 C130  30-07-2018 20:13   43.37 -116.52  713.75    713.749
   7 C130  30-07-2018 20:14   43.37 -116.60  682.41    682.406
   8 C130  30-07-2018 20:15   43.38 -116.68  658.94    658.943
   9 C130  30-07-2018 20:16   43.40 -116.76  634.47    634.471
  10 C130  30-07-2018 20:17   43.39 -116.83  611.09    611.085
  11 C130  30-07-2018 20:18   43.34 -116.86  591.79    591.791
  12 C130  30-07-2018 20:19   43.28 -116.88  572.06    572.057
  13 C130  30-07-2018 20:20   43.23 -116.90  554.59    554.594
  14 C130  30-07-2018 20:21   43.16 -116.92  551.53    551.532
  15 C130  30-07-2018 20:22   43.11 -116.98  551.75    551.745
  16 C130  30-07-2018 20:23   43.07 -117.05  551.64    551.641
  17 C130  30-07-2018 20:24   43.03 -117.12  551.55    551.545
  18 C130  30-07-2018 20:25   42.98 -117.19  551.49    551.486
  19 C130  30-07-2018 20:26   42.94 -117.27  551.45    551.448

So After I process the data. I get extract the location. And get rawdata like below. The first column is lat and the second is lon.

[[  43.53 -116.16]
[  43.49 -116.17]
[  43.45 -116.23]
[  43.42 -116.29]
[  43.39 -116.36]
[  43.38 -116.44]
[  43.37 -116.52]
[  43.37 -116.6 ]
[  43.38 -116.68]
[  43.4  -116.76]

I got a routine like this在此处输入图像描述 But I want to plot it on a geophysical map using cartopy.

But I could not figure it out.

Could you please give me some suggestions?


You can look at Cartopy documentation, there are lot of simple examples that you could use to build your own map, I would recommend you to start from the gallery . To plot your data I created the following example:

import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature

#Create latitude and longitude data

#define map extent
extent = [-130, -90, 30, 60]

#define state borders
states_borders = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(

states_provinces = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(

#create figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
#Add features
ax.add_feature(states_provinces, edgecolor='gray')
ax.add_feature(states_borders, edgecolor='black')
#plot data
ax.plot(lon,lat, 'o',transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())


that produces the following image: 在此处输入图像描述

you can start to build on this if you want to add layers and produce more complicated maps.

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