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Rotating camera stream with TextureView crops the image

The camera in the device that I am using returns rotated image (landscape 16:9). In order to acquire stream I use Camera2 API and for projection I use TextureView . TextureView is fixed size. When I try to rotate it using Matrix it results in cropped image.

Here is what I have before the rotation:


Then I rotate it and adjust TextureView size like that:

private fun updateTransform() {
    val matrix = Matrix()
    val centerX = textureView.width / 2f
    val centerY = textureView.height / 2f
    matrix.postRotate(90.toFloat(), centerX, centerY)
    textureView.layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(textureView.width, textureView.height)

That results in the following image:


I'd like the image to be stretched to fill TextureView . Important to note is that I don't need to consider device rotation because it's always portrait. I am also programming for one device only so I don't need to consider different camera types etc.

How can I rotate the image without cropping it?

This transformation fixed my problem:

    private fun transformTexture() {
    val adjustment = Matrix()
    val centerX = textureView.width / 2f
    val centerY = textureView.height / 2f

    val scalex = textureView.width.toFloat() / textureView.height.toFloat()
    val scaley = textureView.height.toFloat() / textureView.width.toFloat()

    adjustment.postRotate(90F, centerX, centerY)
    adjustment.postScale(scalex, scaley, centerX, centerY)


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