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jsPDF rotate an image around its own center

I am using jsPDF to create a PDF from existing objects in my canvas. Thus I have the coordinates and the rotation angle of my objects, I want to then add to my PDF. However, every image doesn't rotate around its own center, thus it changes the coordinates drastically.

var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm', 'a3');
doc.addImage(image, 'PNG', 100, 100, 52.916667, 52.916667, null, null, 45);

Can somebody help me rotate the image around its own center?

Here is a jsFiddle https://jsfiddle.net/bx0ucszo/6/

I have the same Issue, You can solve it by playing with the degrees in X and Y for the position.

Meaning that if when you rotate your img 45 degrees it descends some pixels on Y, my solution was to put a negative value for Y, for example -100 instead of 100

Hope it's usefull for you

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