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Only selecting certain rows based on calculated value

I have a table similar to:

|Student| Month| GPA   |
|   1   |  1   |  70   |
|   1   |  2   |  70   | 
|   1   |  3   |  75   |
|   2   |  1   |  80   |
|   2   |  2   |  72   |
|   2   |  3   |  72   |

What I want, is to calculate the GPA change, per month, per student - only selecting rows where an actual change was observed. My desired output is:

|Student| Month| GPA   |
|   1   |  3   |  1.071|
|   2   |  2   |  0.9  | 

So far I have the following query (simplified, but similar):

    Change =
        WHEN LAG(GPA, 1) OVER (ORDER BY Student, Month) !> 0 
            THEN 1
        WHEN Student != LAG(Student, 1) OVER (ORDER BY Student, Month)             
            THEN 1
        ELSE GPA/LAG(GPA, 1) OVER (ORDER BY Student, Month)
FROM students
ORDER BY Student, Month;

The output I receive from this is:

|Student| Month| GPA   |  Change|
|   1   |  1   |  70   |   1    |
|   1   |  2   |  70   |   1    |
|   1   |  3   |  75   |   1.071|
|   2   |  1   |  80   |   1    |
|   2   |  2   |  72   |   0.9  |
|   2   |  3   |  72   |   1    |

I believe a sub-query is needed to only select rows where Change != 1 , but I'm unsure how to implement this correctly here.

You seem to want:

select s.*,
       gpa / nullif(prev_gpa, 0)  -- I suppose a 0 gpa is possible
from (select s.*,
             lag(gpa) over (partition by student order by month) as prev_gpa
      from s
     ) s
where prev_gpa is not null and prev_gpa <> gpa;

Very similar to Gordon's, but takes advantage of the optional 3rd parameter to LAG to use the current row's GPA when there is no previous (to yield no change).

   SELECT Student, Month, GPA
     , Change = GPA / LAG(GPA, 1, GPA) OVER (PARTITION BY Student ORDER BY Month)
   FROM students
) AS subQ
WHERE Change != 1.0
ORDER BY Student, Month

Edit: I'm not sure what the minimum GPA value could be, but it is best to be aware that a previous GPA of 0 would cause a divide by zero error.

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