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Include one XML within another XML and parse it with python

I wanted to include an XML file in another XML file and parse it with python. I am trying to achieve it through Xinclude. There is a file1.xml which looks like

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
     <xi:include href="file2.xml" parse="xml" />
  <test>some text</test>

and file2.xml which looks like

<para>This is a paragraph.</para>

Now in my python code i tried to access it like:

from xml.etree import ElementTree, ElementInclude

tree = ElementTree.parse("file1.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root.getchildren():
    print child.tag

It prints the tag of all child elements of root


Now when i tries to print the child objects directly like

print root.document
print root.test

It says the root doesnt have children named test or document. Then how am i suppose to access the content in file2.xml?

I know that I can access the XML elements from python with schema like:

    xmlParser = objectify.makeparser(schema = schema)
    cfg = objectify.fromstring(xmlContents, xmlParser)
    print cfg.elemetName # access element

But since here one XML file is included in another, I am confused how to write the schema. How can i solve it?


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xml1 = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <test>some text</test>

xml2 = '''<para>This is a paragraph.</para>'''

root1 = ET.fromstring(xml1)
root2 = ET.fromstring(xml2)


para_value = root1.find('.//para').text


This is a paragraph.

Not sure why you want to use XInclude, but including an XML file in another one is a basic mechanism of SGML and XML, and can be achieved without XInclude as simple as:

<!DOCTYPE root [
  <!ENTITY externaldoc SYSTEM "file2.xml">
  <test>some text</test>

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