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How to find all minimum elements in a list of tuples?

How can I find all the minimum elements in a list? Right now I have a list of tuples, ie


So I want the output which is all the minimum elements of the list, in a new list. For example


I tried

minimumBy (comparing fst) xs

but that only returns the first minimum element.

After you obtain the minimum of the first value, we can filter the list on these items. Because you here want to retrieve a list of minimum items, we can cover the empty list as well by returning an empty list:

minimumsFst :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
minimumsFst [] = []
minimumsFst xs = filter ((==) minfst . fst) xs
    where minfst = minimum (map fst xs)

For example:

Prelude> minimumsFst [(10,'a'),(5,'b'),(1,'c'),(8,'d'),(1,'e')]

Oneliner. The key is sorting.

Prelude Data.List> let a = [(1,'c'),(2,'b'),(1,'w')]
Prelude Data.List> (\xs@((m,_):_) -> takeWhile ((== m) . fst ) xs) . sortOn fst $ a

You can do it easily too with foldr :

minimumsFst :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
minimumsFst xs = go (minfst xs) xs
  go mn ls = foldr (\(x, y) rs -> if (x ==  mn) then (x,y) : rs else rs) [] xs
  minfst ls = minimum (map fst ls)

with your example:

   minimumsFst [(10,'a'),(5,'b'),(1,'c'),(8,'d'),(1,'e')]
=> [(1,'c'),(1,'e')]

You tried

minimumBy (comparing fst) xs

which can also be written as

= head . sortBy (comparing fst) $ xs
= head . sortOn fst $ xs
= head . head . group . sortOn fst $ xs
= head . head . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortOn fst $ xs

This returns just the first element instead of the list of them, so just drop that extra head to get what you want:

=        head . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortOn fst $ xs

Of course having head is no good since it'll error out on the [] input. Instead, we can use the safe option,

= concat . take 1 . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortOn fst $ xs

By the way any solution that calls minimum is also unsafe for the empty input list:

 > head [] *** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list > minimum [] *** Exception: Prelude.minimum: empty list

but takeWhile is safe:

 > takeWhile undefined [] []

edit: thanks to laziness, the overall time complexity of the final version should still be O(n) even in the worst case.

Here's a solution that works in one pass (most other answers here do two passes: one to find the minimum value and one to filter on it), and doesn't rely on how the sorting functions are implemented to be efficient.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

import Data.Foldable (foldl')

minimumsBy :: forall a. (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
minimumsBy _ [] = []
minimumsBy f (x:xs) = postprocess $ foldl' go (x, id) xs
    go :: (a, [a] -> [a]) -> a -> (a, [a] -> [a])
    go acc@(x, xs) y = case f x y of
      LT -> acc
      EQ -> (x, xs . (y:))
      GT -> (y, id)
    postprocess :: (a, [a] -> [a]) -> [a]
    postprocess (x, xs) = x:xs []

Note that the [a] -> [a] type I'm using here is called a difference list , aka a Hughes list .

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