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Java - Get a matrix of pixel values from an image

Good evening,

I'm loading an image in Java using BufferedImage. I'd to convert this Object in a simple 2D matrix where every cell is an 8 bit pixel value (from 0 to 255). This needs to work with grayscale images but also with RGB images (in this case the output needs to be 3 matrixes, one for each channel, or a single 3D matrix). This is similar to how MatLab handles images.

Anyone that can help me?

Thank you

You could try something like this:

BufferedImage bf = //Assuming you have a buffered image
int[][] R = new int[bf.getWidth()][bf.getHeight()];
int[][] G = //Same as for R
int[][] B = //Same as for R

for(int r = 0; r < bf.getWidth(); r++)
     for(int c = 0; c < bf.getHeight() c++)
           //Uses the Java color class to do the conversion from int to RGB
           Color temp = new Color(bf.getRGB(r, c));
           R[r][c] = temp.getRed();
           G[r][c] = temp.getGreen();
           B[r][c] = temp.getBlue();

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