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Dependency Conflict and can't find jar to resolve that

I have a project with two versions of the same jar and the problem is that it is causing a jar conflict.

 [WARNING] org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.package-info scanned from multiple locations: jar:file:///private/var/folders/rw/9_fr4s6s01d5vcykl3fqkd7d3j59v0/T/jetty-,class: jar:file.///private/var/folders/rw/9_fr4s6s01d5vcykl3fqkd7d3j59v0/T/jetty-!/org/apache/cxf/transports/http/configuration/package-info.class

I wanted to remove the previous version and I know how to remove it using exclusions, but I am not able to find the cxf-rt-transports-http-3.1.4.jar in pom.xml dependency hierarchy so that I could found out from where this transitive dependency is actually coming.

Edit: Screenshot of dependency Hierarchy in STS4

You can try to find the dependency from eclipse dependency graph, Below is the SS to search for a specific jar in the project.


If there is more than one version of a jar, you would be seeing 2 different versions of the jar with a different parent library. You can exclude the other from there by right-clicking on it and selecting exclude option.

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