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How to write to an excel with multiple worksheets using “xlsxwriter” and not “openpyxl”?

I am looking to store some texts into an excel with multiple work-sheets. I tried to do it using openpyxl and I am able to achieve it but I am not able to do the same using xlsxwriter .

I cannot use openpyxl due to an IllegalCharacterException popping up when using it. I know ways to remove or escape these characters but I do not want to remove or escape these characters and want to store them as it is in my excel .

I can achieve the maintainence of characters using xlsxwriter but not able to store it in multiple worksheets. Is there any solution to this?

You can try something like this.

import pandas as pd

writer = pd.ExcelWriter("my_results.xlsx", engine="xlsxwriter")

for i, element in enumerate(elements):
   df = pd.DataFrame(element)
   df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"element_{i}")

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