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UnityScript to C# in Unity

I have this code written in UnityScript. I need to write it in C#. When I use an online converter there seems to be a compiler error. What is the problem?

It is going to be used to display a text for 3 seconds in UI Text. I am new to Unity, so I might not have explained well.

UnityScript code:

private var timer: float;
private var showTime: float;
private var activeTimer: boolean;
private var message: String;
private var uiText: UI.Text;

function startTimer()
    timer = 0.0f;
    showTime = 3.0f;
    uiText.text = message;
    activeTimer = true;

function Start()
    uiText = GetComponent(UI.Text);

function Update()
    if (activeTimer)
        timer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (timer > showTime)
            activeTimer = false;
            uiText.text = "";

function showText(m: String)
    message = m;

The output from C# Converter that seems to have some problem:

private float timer;
private float showTime;
private bool  activeTimer;
private string message;
private UI.Text uiText;

void startTimer()
    timer = 0.0ff;
    showTime = 3.0ff;
    uiText.text = message;
    activeTimer = true;

void Start()
    uiText = GetComponent<UI.Text>();

void Update()
    if (activeTimer)
        timer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (timer > showTime)
            activeTimer = false;
            uiText.text = "";

void showText(string m)
    message = m;

In a C# script you have to derive from MonoBehaviour. The script below will work =)

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

/// <summary>
/// Display a text for 3 seconds in UI Text.
/// </summary>
class DisplayText : MonoBehaviour
    private float timer;
    private float showTime;
    private bool activeTimer;
    private string message;
    private Text uiText;

    void Start()
        uiText = GetComponent<Text>();

    void Update()
        if (activeTimer)
            timer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (timer > showTime)
                activeTimer = false;
                uiText.text = "";

    void startTimer()
        timer = 0.0f;
        showTime = 3.0f;
        uiText.text = message;
        activeTimer = true;

    void showText(string m)
        message = m;

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