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Making a redirect after a POST Request in Spring

I have a button with this onClick function in JavaScript which makes a post request to my Spring server with some data.(I'm not sending any data because I'm trying to solve this problem before that)

async function redirectToModel(model, make){
    const url = 'http://localhost:8080/carmodel';

    const data = {
            make: getCodeName(make),
            model: getCodeName(model)

    const params = {
            mode: "no-cors",
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            method: "POST"
    await fetch(url, params);

My Spring controller looks like this

public class NController {
    public String tester(Model model){
        System.out.println("get request");

        model.addAttribute("name", "test");
        return "carmodel";

    public String aaa(){
        System.out.println("post request");

        return "redirect:/carmodelget";

What I'm trying to do is redirect the user from the page with the mentioned button to carmodel.html but I also want to send data to that carmodel.html, because it's a thymeleaf template.

The problem is that I get both "post request" and "get request" printed to the console in Spring, but the redirect never actually happens. What am I doing wrong?

Spring boot gives me an error: HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method 'GET' not supported

And the browser console gives me an error: net::ERR_ABORTED 405

You can not redirect within a ajax call.

Try to send the redirect URL back as answer of the POST

public String aaa(){
    System.out.println("post request");

    return "/carmodelget";
    // or as json
    // return "{'url':'/carmodelget'}";

and then do a

window.location.href = newUrl

on the client side.

Making a redirect with parameters is quite simple:

public class NController {
    public String tester(Model model, String param){
        System.out.println("get request");

        model.addAttribute("name", param);
        return "carmodel";

    public String aaa(){
        System.out.println("post request");
        String param = "test";
        return "redirect:" + "/carmodelget?param=" + param;

add some lines in springmvc web.xml


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