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How to access dynamically value of an array from API Response in PHP?

I'm not really good with array, and need some help,

I need to specifically retrieve only "value" from this given array, for example of this given array below, I only need the "40000" value.

array:3 [▼
  0 => array:3 [▼
    "service" => "OKE"
    "description" => "Ongkos Kirim Ekonomis"
    "cost" => array:1 [▼
      0 => array:3 [▼
        "value" => 40000
        "etd" => "2-3"
        "note" => ""
  1 => array:3 [▼
    "service" => "REG"
    "description" => "Layanan Reguler"
    "cost" => array:1 [▼
      0 => array:3 [▼
        "value" => 48000
        "etd" => "1-2"
        "note" => ""
  2 => array:3 [▼
    "service" => "YES"
    "description" => "Yakin Esok Sampai"
    "cost" => array:1 [▼
      0 => array:3 [▼
        "value" => 72000
        "etd" => "1-1"
        "note" => ""

I've been trying to use array_search array_key_exists ,and many more array functions, but still no luck..

I've achieved this result before by this code

 $costsOKE = $costObj['rajaongkir']['results'][0]['costs'][0]['cost'][0]['value']; //OKE
$costsREG = $costObj['rajaongkir']['results'][0]['costs'][1]['cost'][0]['value']; //REG
$costsYES = $costObj['rajaongkir']['results'][0]['costs'][2]['cost'][0]['value']; //YES

the problem is this is too static, because sometimes it doesnt always have "OKE" or "YES"

I don't know how to specifically check with certain "key" of an array


if(0['service'] == 'OKE') //I already have input field for service
 $value = ??? //should be 40000 here and this is what I need

how to achieve this with most simple method?

thanks before

Laravel has a built in helper Arr::get() for pulling nested values from arrays using 'dot notation'. Laravel 6.x Arr::get() docs

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

$costsOKE = Arr::get($costObj, 'rajaongkir.results.0.costs.0.cost.0.value');//OKE
$costsREG = Arr::get($costObj, 'rajaongkir.results.0.costs.1.cost.0.value');//REG
$costsYES = Arr::get($costObj, 'rajaongkir.results.0.costs.2.cost.0.value');//YES

Or from the array you gave:

$costsOKE = Arr::get($costObj, '0.cost.0.value');//OKE
$costsREG = Arr::get($costObj, '1.cost.0.value');//REG
$costsYES = Arr::get($costObj, '2.cost.0.value');//YES

The result will be null if the value does not exist.

For Laravel <= 5.6, you can use array_get instead.

If I understood your question correctly, you can try do it this way:

function getValueFromArray($arr, $key)
    foreach ($arr as $item) {
        if ( $key === $item['service'] ) {
            return $item['cost'][0]['value'];

$value = getValueFromArray($costObj['rajaongkir']['results'][0]['costs'], 'OKE');

But note that this function will be applicable just for your array structure. If structure changes, it might not work.

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