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Enumeration yielded no results for PowerShell Invoke

I am executing PowerShell command in C# code. The code adds a email address distribution list in O365. PowerShell is able to add the user to distribution list but it also giving exception too. Why?

        using (powershell = PowerShell.Create())
            command = new PSCommand();
            string DLGroupName = "UnsubscribersList";
                    "Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity '" + DLGroupName + "' -Member " + txtEmail.Text + ""));
            command.AddParameter("Session", session);
            powershell.Commands = command;
            powershell.Runspace = runspace;
            result = powershell.Invoke();
            if (powershell.Streams.Error.Count > 0 || result.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("Fail to establish the connection");


powershell.Streams.Error is throwing
Enumeration yielded no results
result.Count is 0

Result will always be 0 .

When you run PowerShell it will execute the script and return the exit code 0 to tell you that PowerShell.exe successfully ran no matter what actually happens inside your script .

If you want results to propagate outside the "PowerShell.exe" instance, you have to either have a command in the script to explicitly exit with a known exit code (exit code 0 typically signals success), or save the result to the HDD/SQL/or somewhere else that can be read.

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