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Use Ansible to Turn off SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support?

My goal is to use ansible to turn off this "windows feature" that can be found on a windows machine by searching "Turn Windows features on or off" and going down to SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support.

Something is wrong with my code and I cannot get the setting disabled, please help.


- name: Turn off SMB
  hosts: myhosts
  become_method: runas

    ansible_become_password: mysecurepasswordthatsnot123

   - win_shell: Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol
    become: yes
    become_user: user

What is wrong with my play?? Error has to do with non interactive mode??

not sure about win_shell.. but ansible doc suggests to use win_optional_feature . Have you tried this way?

also, there is a sample play available at this link for windows features using win_command.. check it out.

i am sure you would have seen this blog

not sure about win_shell.. but ansible doc suggests to use win_optional_feature. Have you tried this way?

also, there is a sample play available at this link for windows features using win_command.. check it out.

i am sure you would have seen this blog

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