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JSON Response Value says Null Rest Assured

My JSON Response reads something like:

   "contents": [
    "data": 1234,
    "success": true, 

I am attempting to extract the the success message and data. However my console output keeps reading null.

Once extracting the Response here is my code that receives a Null response using Rest Assured:

String res = response.asString():
JsonPath js = new JsonPath(res);

String success = js.get("_embedded[0].contents[0].success");
String data = js.get("_embedded[0].contents[0].data");


My response for both success and data is null

From your JSON sample, it looks like _embedded is not a list. _embedded[0] might return null because there is no list named _embedded when you try to extract the success value using "_embedded[0].contents[0].success".

Extract the success value by using


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