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How to check if string exists before doing a POST/PUT request?

I am using VueJS and I got a web form where a user can check an html checkbox labeled "Active" to designate whether an item (named branch ) is active . If the input box is left unchecked, that means the item is inactive . IF a branch is inactive , I dynamically append the text (inactive) to the branch property. The data collection from the form is then sent to a database/remote api. Pretty straightforward. UI examples below:

在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

My question is: How can I REMOVE the string (inactive) from the branch name if it already exists?

Here's my data() object and relevant method() :

  data() {
    return {
      branch: {
        division_id: null,
        branch: '',
        active: false,
        branch_id: null

onSubmitUpdate() {
      this.loading = true
      let branchEdit = this.branch
      branchEdit.branch = this.branch.active ? this.branch.branch : this.branch.branch + ' (inactive)'
        .then(() => {
          this.loading = false
          //this.$router.push({ path: '/home' })

Thanks for any tips on how I can do this efficiently!

You can use String.prototype.replace() to replace the string if it exists.

branchEdit.branch = this.branch.active ? 
    this.branch.branch.replace(' (inactive)', '') : 
    this.branch.branch + ' (inactive)';

If branch name contains the string (inactive) , it is removed. If not, nothing is changed.

don't have to make changes to the original the.branch object. create a temp clone of it, post to the API, then done.

onSubmitUpdate() {
      this.loading = true
      // clone it
      let clone = Object.assign({}, this.branch)
      clone.branch = clone.active ? clone.branch : clone.branch + ' (inactive)'

if you want to display branch + " (inactive)" in web page, since you are using vue.js. use v-if would work:

<span v-if="!branch.active">(inactive)</span>

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