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How to convert array to specific Json format

I have an array that i need to convert to json format

The array is the result of a array_count_values and it looks like this:

(The number of users can change)

array(4) {

and based on that array i need to build a JSON response that must follow this pattern:

$return = [
    ['username' => 'user1', 'accepted' => 1],
    ['username' => 'user2', 'accepted' => 1],
    ['username' => 'user3', 'accepted' => 1],
    ['username' => 'user4', 'accepted' => 3]
echo json_encode($return);

I've tried some "foreach" but i struggle a little with arrays and couldn't get it to work.

You can use a foreach loop to get the keys and values from your array to form the output:

$return = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    $return[] = array('username' => $key, 'accepted' => $value);
echo json_encode($return);

Demo on 3v4l.org

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