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Slicing using list comprehension on a subset of a dataframe

I want to run a list comprehension to slice names by '-' in one column in a subset defined by values in other columns.

So in this case:

    category   product_type   name 
0   pc         unit           hero-dominator
1   print      unit           md-ffx605
2   pc         option         keyboard1.x-963

I'm interested in the 'pc' category and 'unit' product type, so I want the list comprehension to only change the first row of the 'name' column to this form:

    category   product_type   name 
0   pc         unit           dominator
1   print      unit           md-ffx605
2   pc         option         keyboard1.x-963

I tried this:

df['name'].loc[df['product_type']=='unit'] = [x.split('-')[1] for x in df['name'].loc[df['product_type']=='unit']]

But I'm getting the 'list index out of range' IndexError.

Any help much appreciated.

You can solve the problem the following way, please follow comments and feel free to ask questions:

Edit, now we consider that there could be not string elements in "name" column:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def change(row):
    if row["category"] == "pc" and row["product_type"] == "unit":
        if type(row["name"]) is str:  # check if element is string before split()
            name_split = row["name"].split("-")  # split element
            if len(name_split) == 2:  # it could be name which does not have "-" in it, check it here
                return name_split[1]  # if "-" was in name return second part of split result
            return row["name"]  # else return name without changes

    return row["name"]

# create data frame:
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "category": ["pc", "print", "pc", "pc", "pc", "pc"],
        "product_type": ["unit", "unit", "option", "unit", "unit", "unit"],
        "name": ["hero-dominator", "md-ffx605", "keyboard1.x-963", np.nan, 10.24, None]

df["name"] = df.apply(lambda row: change(row), axis=1)  # change data frame here

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