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I want to write the ouput of displayDirectoryContents to a excel sheet

I want to write the output of the displayDirectoryContents to a excel sheet

I have tried using the Apache POI method I want to get the output to a excel sheet Folder and filename in one column and the name of the files in another column import statements

public class Excel {

private static String dest = "C:\\Users\\mahselva\\testexcel.xls";
private static HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
private static HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.createSheet();

public static void excelLog(String filename, String message, int rowNum) 

HSSFRow myRow = null;
HSSFCell myCell = null;
String excelData[][] = new String[1][2];
excelData[0][0] = filename;
excelData[0][1] = message;

myRow = mySheet.createRow(rowNum);

for (int cellNum = 0; cellNum < 2; cellNum++) {
    myCell = myRow.createCell(cellNum);

try {
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);
} catch (Exception e) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
File currentDir = new File("C:\\OracleATS\\openScript"); // current 
public static void displayDirectoryContents(File dir) {
try {
    int i = 0;
    File[] files = dir.listFiles();
    for (File file : files) {
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            Path path = Paths.get(file.getCanonicalPath());
        } else {
            Path path = Paths.get(file.getCanonicalPath());

} catch (IOException e) {

I want two columns in an excel sheet with column 1 containing File or Folder and column 2 containing the name of the file/folder eg File books.xml Folder Script

Thus i want to write the output to the excel sheet i am using the function excel log to write to the output screen

I use this to write to an excel - however I make it.csv format, not xls. Therefore this might not be what you need, but it's still partially useful as it's writing in a file that can be opened by excel efortlessly.

public static void printAtFile(String filename, String header, String content[])
        System.out.println("Start creating file "+filename);
        PrintWriter writer = null;
        try {
            writer = new PrintWriter(filename);
            for(String u:content)
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Error while writing at file "+filename);

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