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Sql server consuming more memory than max memory limit

Sqlserver.exe showing memory greater than max memory limit lock pages also enabled its confusing

AS stated here

SQL Servers max memory setting defines the limits for buffer pool usage only. There will be variable but significant allocations required over and above that limit.

Jonathan Kehayias's , Christian Bolton and John Samson have level 300/400 posts on the topic. Brent Ozar has an easier to read article that might be a better place to start.

Also related: SQL Server 2008 R2 “Ghost Memory”

Min & Max Server Memory

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio → Right Click the Server → Properties →Memory → Server Memory Options → Minimum server memory (In MB): = 0 and Maximum server memory (In MB): = 2147483647

Configure this memory allocation Based on the RAM installed in the DB Server.

For Ex:

IF DB server is installed with 6 GB of RAM , then maintain the 20% breadth space for the OS installed in the server. For 6 GB of RAM, Maximum server memory (In MB) will be = 4915 for the SQL server.

Right Click the Server → Properties →Security → Login Auditing → Enable the Failed logins only. This option will avoid the log write and memory log space will be saved.

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