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Visual Studio 2019 C# WCF Test Client not working with svcutil.exe

I have an WCF Test Client application which was originally created in Visual Studio 2017 which worked fine, however once I upgraded my Visual Studio to 2019 and re-ran the application, I get the following error message: The dependent tool 'svcutil.exe' is not found ( see screenshot ).

Note, I checked and svcutil.exe exists in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools

Any idea why it is no longer working?

i met the same problem, and solve it by installed the .NET Framework SDK 4.7.2, hope it will help.

svcutil could be missing on the machine... First we need to know if svcutil is here by typing where svcutil.exe into the Developer Command Prompt in Visual Studio.

If the executable is missing, you probably need to install the windows sdk. You can install it form the Visual Studio installer or from here .

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