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auth0 get profile information backside

I'm trying to get user profile information from Auth0. It works in the frontend with the pipe Async

<pre *ngIf="auth.userProfile$ | async as profile">
<code>{{ profile | json }}</code>

But in the backend If I want to read the nickname and do something with it. I'm lost.

constructor(public auth: AuthService)
ngOnInit() {
   if (this.auth.isAuthenticated$) {
    const result = this.auth.userProfile$;

I know that my varibale "result" is an Observable. But I'm new with this stuff of Observable. And I try to get the value. If I use the debug console, I can see the value with this line:


But If I wrote it in my code, I have this error: Typescript error: Property 'value' does not exist on type 'Observable'

ngOnInit() {
   if (this.auth.isAuthenticated$) {
    const result = this.auth.userProfile$;
    console.log(this.auth.userProfile$.source.value.nickname); // error here


So someone can help me with this? thanks

You access data within an observable by subscribing to it (this is what the async pipe does under the hood).

Here's an example for how to subscribe to your observable:

// import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
// tap is one of many rxjs operators
// operators allow you to perform operations on data within observables

  tap(profile => {
.subscribe(); // this is what allows you access the data within the observable

Observables: https://angular.io/guide/observables

RXJS Operators: https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/guide/operators

I finally find a solution:

in the class I enter this code:

export class getInfo implements OnInit {
   private login_info: any;

   ngOnInit() {
      this.auth.getUser$().subscribe(val => {
        this.login_info = val;
        console.log('print info', val.nickname);

public useInfo(status: string) {
  console.log('print info', this.login_info.nickname);

So In the useInfo method, I can use the information that I grabbed from the user profile.

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