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How to post list object to cloud firestore firebase in flutter

I have List as

class MyContact {
String userName = "";
List<Phone> phones = List<Phone>();
MyContact({this.userName, this.phones});

class Phone {
String phone = "";


and update method

  _updateContact() async {
var contacts = (await ContactsService.getContacts()).toList();
List<MyContact> myContacts = List<MyContact>();
contacts.forEach((contact) {
  var myContact = MyContact();
  myContact.userName = contact.displayName;
  contact.phones.forEach((phone) {
    myContact.phones.add(Phone(phone: phone.value));

await Firestore.instance

Please help me!

I have resolved as follows

class MyContact {
  String userName = "";
  List<Phone> phones = List<Phone>();

 MyContact({this.userName, this.phones});

 Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
 return {
  "name": userName,
  "phones": phones.map((phone) => phone.toJson()).toList(),

class Phone {
String phone = "";


Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
  "phone": phone,

Method update

_updateContact() async {
var contacts = (await ContactsService.getContacts()).toList();
List<MyContact> myContacts = List<MyContact>();
contacts.forEach((contact) {
  List<Phone> phones = List<Phone>();
  contact.phones.forEach((phone) {
    phones.add(Phone(phone: phone.value));
  myContacts.add(MyContact(userName: contact.displayName, phones: phones));

Map<String, dynamic> map = {
  'contact': myContacts.map((myContact) => myContact.toJson()).toList()
await Firestore.instance

Flutter has official document for this master. It recommends to use "json_serializable" that the dart codes are generated automatically by command line


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