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flowground flow not working as soon as a CBR is added

I am having this weird issue where as soon as I add a CBR to my flow it suddenly stops working even tough everything seems to be correctly setup.

What I am trying to do is to use the JIRA connector to get data from my JIRA server. Then I am using this data to run a Google Page Speed Insight via an unmanaged connector which totally works. As soon as I am adding a CBR to implement an "if" statement my flow doesn't work anymore. I am using the following expression in my CBR body.lighthouseResult.audits."uses-optimized-images".score > 0.8 .

Can someone help me out here?

Edit: Screenshot for additional details. 在此处输入图像描述

JSONata doesn't support automatic type conversion. So what it's reading from score is of type string . Therefore numeric comparison with less, greater or the equal-Operator will fail. Solution: Please convert to type number with the $number(...score) -function before you compare. And please be sure in the future that the Result (the panel below) is solving the comparison to true or false . Otherwise something went wrong …

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