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How to set “Override high DPI scaling” to “Application” programmatically through code

We have a control inside a activex control that suffers from graphical artifacts on Windows 10. It works fine in Windows 7. The only way we have been able to fix the artifacts is by changing the exe setting pictured below.

高 DPI 缩放覆盖

Is there a way to change it through code (Visual Studio 2017 c#)? In our project we dont have a manifest file in project.

I was able to get through using the below script and save as bat file and execute it in the code to set DPI scaling

@echo off title This is to set HIGHDPI Scaling

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /V "C:\Program Files (x86)\VidSys\VidSys Out-of-Process Viewer Framework\External Process\NvrViewerExternalProcess.exe" /T REG_SZ /D ~HIGHDPIAWARE /F

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