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Bind a Dictionary To DataGridView in with frequent updates

I have a Dictionary (Of long, Class) . The Class has multiple properties. And I want to view the data of this Dictionary in a DataGridView. So, Simply I used the:

DataGridView1.DataSource = Dictionary.Values.ToArray

Now, the properties inside the Class objects for the records inside the Dictionary are continuously updating (too frequent). And I want to reflect these updates to the DataGridView directly.

Using the DataGridView1.DataSource = Dictionary.Values.ToArray every time is not an efficient way I believe and will take much processing power. How can I make the Dictionary Bindable (as in DataTables for example)? I need this in VB.NET, I tried to use Linq to solve this (Found here https://stackoverflow.com/a/855954/2546348 ) But still, I didn't see the new updates coming to DataGridView.

Any suggestions? What will be the best approach to implement this?

Thanks to @jimi's comment, I used the notify property to achieve this... But I needed to put an answer to this question:

Your class object should implement INotifyPropertyChanged . When done, you can bind your [Dictionary].Values to a BindingSource, then bind the DGV to the BindingSource (setting the DGV's .DataSource = [TheBindingSource] ). Any change to the Dictionary values will be immediately reflected in the DGV.

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