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Merge key/value into response.data inline?

This is probably a simple question, but my lack of JavaScript skills is probably preventing me from figuring out a one-liner to do this. Im using axios to request from an API, im getting a response back (This is for a "Todo" list app), however I need to merge another field into this response.

The snippet of code looks like this:

        let mergedIsEditing = {...response.data, isEditing: false}
        const lists = [ ...this.state.lists, mergedIsEditing ]

lists is basically what it sounds like (an array of lists), and the response.data is nothing more than an object with a title and description . I thought maybe using Object.assign but since im already spreading out this.state.lists im not sure how that would work. Essentially I just need to add the key/value pair isEditing: false onto that list coming in.

Not to encourage shorter code over readability, but to answer your question, this is how you could do the equivalent to your snippet in 1 line:

let mergedIsEditing = {...response.data, isEditing: false}
const lists = [ ...this.state.lists, mergedIsEditing ]
const lists = [ ...this.state.lists, {...response.data, isEditing: false} ]

Of course, you could prepend this.state.lists = , if that's the desired purpose.

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