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Get a JSON from an ASP.NET Core view code

In an ASP.NET Core 2.2 appliation, I have a user page and I need to obtain on that page a password reset link

Bellow is my code, that does not seem to work在此处输入图像描述

the EditUser.cshtml code

    var getUserLink = function () {
        var actionLink = "@Url.Action("ResetPassword", user)";
        $.getJSON(actionLink, function (data) {

the EditUser.chtml.cs code

public class EditUserModel : PageModel
   /// ...

    public async Task<JsonResult> ResetPassword(ApplicationUserModel user)
        var appUser = new ApplicationUser
            UserName = user.Email,
            Email = user.Email,
            DisplayName = user.Name,
            OrganizationID = user.OrganizationID,
            EmailConfirmed = true
        var code = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(appUser);
        var callbackUrl = Url.Page("/Account/ResetPassword",
            pageHandler: null,
            values: new { code },
            protocol: Request.Scheme);
        return new JsonResult(new { resetLink = callbackUrl });

I mean, when I click on the "Obtain" button from the cshtml page, the JSON is asked, but the code does not enter the ResetPasword function in the cshtml.cs file. Where is the problem?

On razor pages, you use "Handlers" to invoke requests to the razor page you are currently on.

So if you want to issue a get request you have to rename your method to follow a certain pattern:

public class EditUserModel : PageModel
    public async Task<JsonResult> OnGetResetPasswordAsync(ApplicationUserModel user)
        /* ...*/

And your javascript now becomes the following:

var getUserLink = function () {
    var actionLink = "./?handler=ResetPassword";
    $.getJSON(actionLink, function (data) {

Analog to this: If you want to issue a POST request, you need to name your handler method OnPostFoo or OnPostFooAsync and similar for each of the remaining HttpVerbs

If you want to issue POST requests you have to do a bit more lifting. Read up on it here: https://www.thereformedprogrammer.net/asp-net-core-razor-pages-how-to-implement-ajax-requests/

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