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Spring: Injecting list of all concrete classes implementing an interface

I have an @Service class which contains a List of other @Service classes. That List basically contains all the services which implements UniformEventsResearchApi .

Being a rookie with Spring, I'm not sure how I can get Spring to allow me to follow the Open-Closed Principle and thus having that list automagically injected with all of the concrete implementations.

Here is an incomplete UML class diagram:


And here is some "code":

public class EventsResearchService {

    // todo: this should be Injected automatically
    private List<UniformEventsResearchApi> eventsResearchApis = Arrays.asList(new EventbriteApi());

// Already tried, but without success:
//    @Autowired
//    private List<UniformEventsResearchApi> eventsResearchApis2;
//    @Autowired
//    @Qualifier("EventsResearchApi")
//    public void setXList(List<UniformEventsResearchApi> apis) {
//        this.eventsResearchApis2 = apis;
//    }


public interface UniformEventsResearchApi { /* ... */ }

public abstract class EventsResearchApi implements UniformEventsResearchApi { /* ... */ }

/** Any class like this one which extends EventsResearchApi should be automatically injected in the List */
public class EventbriteApi extends EventsResearchApi { /* ... */ }

This is an easy task for spring actually:

You can auto wire a list of beans just like a regular bean In this case spring will indeed find all the beans that implement the interface and inject:

public interface SomeInterface {

public class SomeImpl1 implements SomeInterface {}

public class SomeImpl2 implements SomeInterface {}

public сlass SampleBean {

     private List<SomeInterface> beans;

One note, there should be at least one implementation of beans available, Otherwise Spring won't let you such an injection. If you know that such a situation is possible you can inject Optional<List<SomeInterface>>

With field injection it looks rather ugly, but you can use constructor injection (which is better anyway) or consider using “java configuration”:

public class SampleBean {
   private final List<SomeInterface> beans;
   // I haven’t checked this with compiler, should work
    @Autowired // optional, if you have a single constructor, you can omit it
    public SampleBean(Optional<List<SomeInterface>> beans) {
       this.beans = beans.orElse(Collections.emptyList());   

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