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How to make this query with lambda expression in Entity Framework?

This is my SQL query:

    m.Name, s.Time, t.TheaterNumber
    Movies m
    MovieSeanceTheaters mst on mst.MovieId = m.MovieID
    Theaters t on t.ID = mst.TheaterId
    Seances s on mst.SeanceId = s.ID

This is my attempt at a Linq query:

var result = (from m in _context.Movies
              join mst in _context.MovieSeanceTheaters on m.ID equals mst.MovieId
              join t in _context.Theaters on mst.TheaterId equals t.ID
              join s in _context.Seances on mst.TheaterId equals s.ID
              select new { Film = m.Name, Salon = t.Name, Seans = s.Time }

I made this attempt, but I want to make with lambda for instance:

var result = movieManager.GetAll().Where(x => x.MovieSeanceTheaters).... 

I couldn't do that.

If I understand you correctly, you want to rewrite your query from query syntax to method syntax?

Here we are!

var result = _context.Movies
        m => m.MovieID,
        mst => mst.MovieID,
        (m, mst) => new
            m = m,
            mst = mst
        temp0 => temp0.mst.TheaterID,
        t => t.ID,
        (temp0, t) =>
                temp0 = temp0,
                t = t
        temp1 => temp1.temp0.mst.TheaterID,
        s => s.ID,
        (temp1, s) =>
                Film = temp1.temp0.m.Name,
                Salon = temp1.t.TheaterNumber,
                Seans = s.Time

Looks ugly, doesn't it?
Most often, the method syntax is more compact and convenient. But in this case, leave it as is.

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