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Write Dataframe into ODS format

I am reading a .xlxs file using pandas library and extracting the dataframe . Now I am trying to create a file with .ods extension and write the dataframe into it using pyexcel_ods library. Here is my code:--

import pandas as pd
from pyexcel_ods import save_data
from collections import OrderedDict

self.current_df = pd.read_excel('filename')
data = OrderedDict()
save_data("as.ods", data)

It is throwing Error

{TypeError}'int' object is not iterable

Feel free to ask for more code.

Note:-- I am using Python 3.

Please note that in recent versions of Pandas (current is 1.1) has been implemented support for ODS format in functions like pd.ExcelWriter() and pd.read_excel() . You only need to specify the propper engine "odf" to be able of working with OpenDocument file formats (.odf, .ods, .odt)

You will need the odfpy package installed.

Soham try this, I think the issue with your solution is that the save_data function from py_ods is not getting the data in the format that it needs.

The explanation is in the comments.

# coding: utf-8

import pandas as pd
from pyexcel_ods import save_data
from collections import OrderedDict

def save_ods_from_excel(excel_file, target_ods_file):
    # First read into dataframe
    df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
    # Change everything to string since we're just writing
    df = df.astype(str)
    # Initiliaze data to be written as an empty list, as pyods needs a list to write
    whole_data_list = []
    # Initiliaze the empty dict() for the data
    d = OrderedDict()
    # Write the columns first to be the first entries 
    # loop through data frame and update the data list
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
    # Populate dict() with updated data list
    d.update({"Moved sheet": whole_data_list})
    # Finally call save_data() from pyods to store the ods file
    save_data(target_ods_file, d)

Tried the above with this data from microsoft

>>> save_ods_from_excel('/Users/gkm/Downloads/Financial Sample.xlsx', '/tmp/sample-financial.ods')

More info the pyexcel ods docs

Try this:

from collections import OrderedDict
from pyexcel_ods import get_data 

current_df = pd.read_excel('array.xlsx')
data = OrderedDict()
data.update({ "Sheet_1": current_df.to_numpy().tolist() })
save_data("as.ods", data)

data = get_data("as.ods") 
#             [['b', 121], ['c', 98], ['d', 9], ['e', 100], ['f', 45]])])

Hello i would like to try but i have error; pyexcel_ods no module

in visual code the error is: "Import "pandas_ods_reader" could not be resolvedPylance"

i try "pip3 install pyexcel_ods","pip3 install pyexcel-ods" i try in my code "#! usr/bin/python3

but i have again my message can you help me please.

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