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Password should contain at least 1 digit - Regex in ValidateJS

I'm using ValidateJS library for this. Here is the regex that I'm using but it does accept password without digits as well.

My password should be with length 6 to 16 characters, at least one digit in it.

I want it to able to accept passwords only like:


where I have atleast 1 number in it.

        password: {
          presence: true,
          length: {
            minimum: 6,
            maximum: 16
          format: {
            pattern: "^.*(?=.{6,16})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%]+$",
            message: "should contain at least one number"

you can use this pattern


In password validation, lookaheads are great, see this pattern: (?=.{6,16})(?=.*\d).+

It uses two pisitive lookaheads:

(?=.{6,16}) - assures, that we have at least 6 and at most 16 characters

(?=.*\d).+ - assures that we have at least one digits

Further details:

.{6, 16} - matches between 6 and 16 of any characters

.* - matches zero or more of any characters

\d - match a digit

.+ - matches one or more of any characters.


Replace this and it will work for you

 format: {
   pattern: "^(?=.{6,16})(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$",
   message: "should contain at least one number"

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