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Mongoose query MongoDB, find() object inside an object

Hello I have an Schema on Mongoose but have and object inside

const TrajesDeBano = new Schema({
    modelo:{type:String, required: true},
    tipo:{type:String, required:true},
        s:{type:Number, required: true},
        m:{type:Number, required: true},
        l:{type:Number, required: true}
    precio:{type:Number, required: true}

when I do a callback to call "talla" returns an object

traje.findOne({'modelo':modelo}, function(err, trajeEncontrado){

[ {_id:5dd177918c7f021e4cab7e20, s: 15, m: 30, l: 25} ]

now I wanna call every "talla" singleone but a query trajeEncontrado.talla.s returns undefined . How can I find just the talla "S"?

Yes it will return undefined because of it don't know the array is, you could $unwind them or using $elemMatch

using $elemeMatch

Model.find({ modelo: 'Your Modelo', talla: { $elemMatch: { s: 2 } } })

See docs

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