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How to remove all zero columns in MS Excel 2016 while keeping columns that have a some zero values?

I have a 10 rows X 50000+ columns. The problem is that there are some columns having ALL Zero values. I need to remove only those columns while keeping the ones that have a few zero cells. an example is shown below


So it would become like this:


Select all > copy > (new excel sheet/file) r-click in A1 > (paste special) transpose

In the K1 cell put :


and drag the formula downwards.

Then highlight cell A1:K1 > Data > filter Filter column K > select "1"

Then select all row (by selecting rows at left side) > r-click (at left side) > delete rows.

Remove filter, delete column K , select all > copy (another new excel sheet/file) r-click in A1 > (paste special) transpose.


Hope it helps.

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