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How to put stdout file descriptor in a variable?

I am using echo var >> "${log_file}" 2>&1 to redirect stdout and stderr to a file path stored in the ${log_file} . But when the variable is empty, I would like to send stdout and stderr to their default/standard locations.

For example, if the variable ${log_file} is empty, the output should not go to a file, but to stdout . How I should set the ${log_file} variable value to make it output to stdout ?

I tried setting to &1 (the stdout file descriptor)

if [[ -z "${log_file}" ]]; then

echo var >> "${log_file}" 2>&1

But it did not work and bash threw this error:

No such file or directory
1: command not found

You have two fundamentally different operations based on the value of the variable:

  1. Redirection both stderr and stdout to the named file
  2. Don't redirect either.

There's no syntax to handle this dichotomy. I would recommend the following:

  1. Wrap the command whose output you might want to redirection in a function.

     func () { echo var }
  2. Use an if statement to call that function with and without redirection, as necessary.

     if [ -n "$log_file" ]; then func >> "$log_file" 2>&1 else func fi

Another approach is to define func conditionally, attaching the redirection directly to the function.

if [ -n "$log_file" ]; then
    func () {
        echo var
    } >> "$log_file" 2>&1
    func () { 
        echo var


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