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Getting Pandas error while exporting data to excel

Getting pandas error as: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (4,) (2,2)

Trying to export details in excel, i tried with below code:

Expected output: selected customer names: name1, name2 for the desig: CUST selected customer names: values name3, name4 for the desig :ORDER

Have tried below code:

import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter

workbook   = xlsxwriter.Workbook('file.xlsx')
worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet()

def CUST1(): 
    df = pd.DataFrame([
    ['CUST', 'name1', 'PIZZA', 'A'],
    ['CUST', 'name2', 'DONUT', 'A'],
    ['ORDER', 'name3', 'CAKE','B'],
    ['ORDER', 'name4', 'COOKIES', 'C']
    columns=("DESIG", "NAMES", "CITIES", "CLASS"))
    ORD = pd.concat((df['DESIG'],df.groupby('DESIG') 
    ['NAMES'].transform(lambda x: ", ".join(x))), 
    for x, name in enumerate(ORD):
     worksheet1.write(x, 0, "selected customer names" 
     + df['DESIG'] + "for" +df.groupby('DESIG') 

This should be what you want according to the expected output provided. I just utilized the dataFrame ORD since it contains all the necessary information without having to do more data transformations.

import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter

workbook   = xlsxwriter.Workbook('file.xlsx')
worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet()

def CUST1(): 
    df = pd.DataFrame([
    ['CUST', 'name1', 'PIZZA', 'A'],
    ['CUST', 'name2', 'DONUT', 'A'],
    ['ORDER', 'name3', 'CAKE','B'],
    ['ORDER', 'name4', 'COOKIES', 'C']
    columns=("DESIG", "NAMES", "CITIES", "CLASS"))
    ORD = pd.concat((df['DESIG'],df.groupby('DESIG') 
    ['NAMES'].transform(lambda x: ", ".join(x))), 

    for x in range(len(ORD)):
        worksheet1.write_string(x, 0, "selected customer names: " 
         + ORD['NAMES'].iloc[x] + " for the desig: " +  ORD['DESIG'].iloc[x])

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