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How to create an Objective-C project in an old version

I have to create an application with a minimum version in iOS 6.0 and Objective-C.

How can I create a new project in that version? I've tried creating a normal project and switching to iOS 6 later, but it gives me a lot of errors.

Can an application in iOS 6 be seen correctly on a terminal with notch?

It is not possible to create an application with a minimum version in iOS 6.0. AppStore won't accept your application. Most of old frameworks are deprecated and no longer supported by new iOS versions.

Your best option is to get versions of MACOS and XCode that supported IOS6.0 That would be OS X Yosemite and XCode 6 or 7 .

You can install the old MACOS on a virtual machine or better download a Virtual Machine of older MACOS.

Be aware: Old versions of MACOS,XCode may not be secure and you will have to download from websites other than apple.

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