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Deconstructing a [FromBody] object with 1 property in .net core API C#

I just converted a project to .net core and one of the changes is that I can now only have 1 [FromBody] attribute passed to a controller action. Previously I was passing in a JSON object into the body like so:

    property1: 1,
    property2: 2

and could receive those 2 properties in the controller like so:

public doSomething([FromBody]int property1, [FromBody]int property2)

now I have to create a new class for the parameters that get passed in through the body:

public class DoSomethingParams {
    public int property1;
    public int property2;

public doSomething([FromBody]DoSomethingParams bodyParams)

This creates a whole lot more code, especially when I have to pass in 10 or more parameters for a call, and it feels very inefficient to me.

In Javascript there are destructuring operations that I could use one aforementioned object like this: let property1 = {property1}; . Is there any similar alternative in C#? I read about tuple deconstructing in C# v7 but I'm not quite sure that it helps me here (eg. adding [FromBody](int property1, int property2) as an argument doesn't work. (Identifier expected error))

Is there a more efficient way to deconstruct the JSON object I'm passing in besides creating a class skeleton for it? Thanks for the help!

You need to create a custom model provider to achieve that. check this package it does just that: https://github.com/m6t/M6T.Core.TupleModelBinder

You just need to add the custom binder to your binder providers at the first position:

services.AddMvc(options =>
      options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new TupleModelBinderProvider());

and then you will be able to use the Tuple deconstruct:

public doSomething((int property1, int property2, string other) bodyParams) {
  // bodyParams.property1
  // bodyParams.property2
  // bodyParams.other

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