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R : creating a variable conditionally if another variable increments by one

I am currently using data.table in R and I have a data set like the following:

ID   mon   age
1    1     22
1    2     56
1    5     106
2    1     34
2    3     65
2    4     76

I would like to create a variable called diff that calculates the difference in age within each ID's observations only if the mon variable is incrementing by 1. If it's not incrementing by 1 then I'd like diff to equal NA.

This is what I'd like the data set to look like:

ID   mon   age   diff
1    1     22    NA
1    2     56    34
1    5     106   NA
2    1     34    NA
2    3     65    NA
2    4     76    11

I know this would need to be some type of if-else statement, but I'm not sure how utilize an if-else statement to iterate through each observation and check if the mon variable is incrementing by only 1. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

We can group by 'ID', take the diff erence of adjacent elements of 'age', and multiply with a logical vector created with diff off 'mon' changed to NA so that those places with more than 1 difference becomes NA

df1 %>% 
    group_by(ID) %>% 
     mutate(diff =  c(NA, diff(age)) * c(NA, NA^(diff(mon) != 1)))
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups:   ID [2]
#     ID   mon   age  diff
#  <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
#1     1     1    22    NA
#2     1     2    56    34
#3     1     5   106    NA
#4     2     1    34    NA
#5     2     3    65    NA
#6     2     4    76    11

You can use shift to get the previous value of mon and check if the difference is 1.

df[, diff:= ifelse(mon - shift(mon) == 1, age - shift(age), NA), ID] 

#   ID mon age diff
#1:  1   1  22   NA
#2:  1   2  56   34
#3:  1   5 106   NA
#4:  2   1  34   NA
#5:  2   3  65   NA
#6:  2   4  76   11        

Or similarly in dplyr we can use lag


df %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  mutate(diff = if_else(mon - lag(mon) == 1, age- lag(age), NA_integer_))

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