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How can i create new react native App using npx?

I didn't use react-native for a few months. It looks like some things have changed meanwhile. In the official documentation they recommend to uninstall react-native-cli and to use npx react-native init instead. I did this but ended up with an error because I didn't install that package globally. However, if I install react-native globally, it results in an error when I run the project, saying that I should remove the global package.

What is the proper way to create a react app nowadays?

  1. npm uninstall --global react-native-cli
  2. Install node js ( i use node js version 12.10.0 here ), i dont use the latest one because there is a bug i cant run my react native app
  3. install python2 jdk8 and yarn
  4. install android studio and sdk and add ANDROID_HOME to environment variable
  5. use npx react-native init ProjectName to create new project
  6. use yarn react-native run-android or yarn react-native run-ios to run the project

@Raeygzz if you want to use react-native related command add yarn/npx in the beginning of the command

yarn react-native run-android
yarn react-native run-ios


npx react-native run-android
npx react-native run-ios
  1. if you want to create apk debug use in your root project

    cd android && gradlew assembleDebug

  2. apk release in your root project

    cd android && gradlew assembleRelease

  3. Debug with bundle in your root project

    yarn react native run-android

and get the apk file in


i usually do this if the device i working on doesn't have an usb cable, so i copy the file there, and sent it to the cloud, download it to device and install it, after that i just shake the phone and go to settings and setup debug server ex: 10.xxx.xxx:8081 then run yarn start in cmd shake the device and choose refresh

the difference is here between react-native run-android and gradlew assembleDebug react-native run-android Vs ./gradlew assembleDebug


Thanks @Gus Nando for the detail... and if i want to make a debug build for android using npx then what should i follow. And also if there is any changes or change in set of way to create debug as well as production build for both android and ios platform.

Any kind of info related to npx will be of much help. Thanks in advance

The first thing you need to do is delete react-native-cli:

npm uninstall react-native-cli or npm uninstall --global react-native-cli

Then, install Expo CLI if you have NodeJS 10 LTS or greater installed: npm install -g expo-cli

You should be able to make new react native app now with expo-cli like that : expo init ProjectName

Expo is a tool that allows you to set up a development environment on your phone. For more information, see the documentation here: https://expo.io/

It is the most efficient and fastest way to develop, test and deploy an application

尝试使用npx react-native init projectName然后使用cd projectName将目录更改为项目并使用react-native run-android运行项目

it's easy: in case of developing in windows just do the following command in your prefered terminal with administrative access: npx react-native init YourPrjName

for details take a look at this brief video https://youtu.be/A5pXsiBVKTY

and don't forget to use lower case except for project name

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