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How to get all the keys values from Redis Cache in C#?

I have redis cache, I have set few keys in that, now I need to get all the keys and their values. It seems that there is no direct method to get this.

I can see only StringGet(string key) method which takes key as paramater. But no method there for all the keys


I have tied the below code, but its giving exception on 3rd line.

ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();

var keys = redis.GetServer("localhost").Keys();

string[] keysArr = keys.Select(key => (string)key).ToArray();

foreach (string key in keysArr)


the specified endpoint is not defined

You can call the Keys method to get all the keys, remember you need to pass allowAdmin=true" in the Connect method.

using (ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost:6379,allowAdmin=true"))
            IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();

            var keys = redis.GetServer("localhost", 6379).Keys();

            string[] keysArr = keys.Select(key => (string)key).ToArray();

            foreach (string key in keysArr)

You can try this way

IServer server = Connection.GetServer("yourcache.redis.cache.windows....", 6380);
foreach (var key in server.Keys())

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