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Get Values From Object as array in Powershell

I have a PSCustomObject with properties and values. My goal is to quickly put the values in an array. I am fairly new to powershell so I am unsure if this is something I can do in a single-line.

My object:

  propA  : valA
  propB  : valB
  propC  : valC

I want to get an array of just the values as fast as possible, Ideally this would not involve a loop because this process will be done thousands of times.

  valA, valB, valC

I have tried a couple things. $object | ft -HideTableHeaders $object | ft -HideTableHeaders seems to get me close to what I want, but it does not appear to return an array

Without using a loop you could do this:

$valArray = ($object.PSObject.Properties).Value

to give you an array of values

ValA ValB ValC

Here is my approach following your not using a loop guideline, even though I would use a loop otherwise.

$object = [pscustomobject]@{
propA = 'ValA'
propB = 'ValB'
propC = 'ValC'
propD = 'ValD'
propE = 'ValE'

[array]$Array123 = (($object | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty).definition).split("=")
[array]$Array123 = [array]$Array123 -replace "^string.*$","" | ? {$_} 

So I made a dummy object called $object. Then I used type accelerator [array] on $Array123 so powershell is aware I'm looking to create an array with my command on the right of the "=" symbol. I used get-member on the object to get the NoteProperties, and then I'm splitting the definition object on the equal symbol.

This creates an array that looks like this.

string propA
string propB
string propC
string propD
string propE

Then I regex to remove the lines that begin with "string"... and lastly pipe to ? {$._} ? {$._} in order to remove the lines we emptied out with our regex.

After our regex the array will look like so:


I am doubtful this is faster than a simple foreach loop, but it does fall under your no loop in the answers rule.


$variable = $object[0..$object.Count]

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