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How to set default schema name for Spring Data JPA queries?

I want to set default schema for postgresql. When I try to set property("hibernate.default_schema") and also update table anotation with schema prop, hibernate still generates query without any schema name like below;

select log0_.id as id1_0_ from log log0_

When I change table name to "dbo.log", I can get resultSet without any error.

 @Table(name = "dbo.log")

Is there any way to set default schema for postgresql queries?

    basePackages = "com.test.repository.postgresql",
    entityManagerFactoryRef = "postgresqlEntityManagerFactory",
    transactionManagerRef = "postgresqlTransactionManager"
public class PostgreSQLConfig {


    @Bean(name = "postgresqlEntityManagerFactory")
    public EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory(@Qualifier("postgresqlDatasource") DataSource postgresqlDatasource) {

        Properties jpaProperties = new Properties();
        jpaProperties.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", hibernateDialect);
        jpaProperties.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql", hibernateShowSql);
        jpaProperties.setProperty("hibernate.ddl-auto", hibernateDDLAuto);
        jpaProperties.setProperty("hibernate.naming.physical-strategy", hibernatePhysicalStrategy);
        jpaProperties.setProperty("hibernate.default_schema", "dbo");

        HibernateJpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();
        LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean factory = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
        return factory.getObject();


Here is my entity class;

@Table(name = "log", schema = "dbo")
public class Log{

if you are using application.properties






That should be declard in the JDBC Connection URL in the DataSource . The URL schema looks like: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database , where database is the schema.

If that's not enough set also in the URL the currentSchema .

Specify the schema (or several schema separated by commas) to be set in the search-path. This schema will be used to resolve unqualified object names used in statements over this connection.

Here are the docs for the JDBC Driver: https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/connect.html

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