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How to find an IP pattern in a string

I am trying to find an IP pattern or any similar pattern in a string. for example:

Text_1 = "Hello this ip is valid: , but!" #expect

Text_2 = "this could be the second valid ip: 323. , but!" #expect 323.

Text_3 = "third pattern is: , but!" #expect

Text_4 = "fourth pattern is: 332.332.222 , but!" #expect 332.332.222

In all cases I need to extract all numbers which are separate by dots and later on evaluate if they are potentially valid or not.

I had a look to this question and this question, but all have some issues!

This is what I found but does not work perfectly as it can't catch the string longer than 4-digit:

import re
re.search(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', s).group()

How about: map(int, “”.split(“.”))) (split by . And try to convert each to an integer) and check for type error, check if len() is 4 and check for each element 0<=el<256.

Sorry for no code, not at my computer

If you want any sequence of numbers and dots, try this:

# Find a number, then one or more ".numbers"
re.search(r'(\d+)(\.(\d+))+', Text_2).group()

It gives:


Note : After extracting candidates, you can check it with the regex provided by this answer .

This finds exact ip addresses:



Update, i added a word boundry to it, it seems to work:



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