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Undefined variable error after upgrading from 5.3 to 5.8 in laravel

I just recently upgraded my project from 5.3 to 5.8. but after that, I'm having the following error:-


This is the code in my controller:-

public function index()

        $categories = $this->category->getAll();
        $plucked_categories = $this->category->pluckedCollection($categories);
        $hierarchy = $this->category->getCategoriesHierarchy();

        //get through permissions
        if (\Gate::denies('view-categories')) {
            return redirect('/')->withErrors(config('const.permissions_errors.section'));
        } else {
            return view('categories.index')->withCategories($categories)


When I change the code like this below the error gets solved but I'm asking why withCategoriesHierarchy does not work. If I have to change this then I have to change in the entire project. so that will be troublesome. So I'm looking for some solution. any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance.

return view('categories.index')

return view('categories.index')

Since version 5.8 Laravel change the implementation of __call magic function on Illuminate\\View

Old function:

    public function __call($method, $parameters)
    if (starts_with($method, 'with')) {
        return $this->with(snake_case(substr($method, 4)), $parameters[0]);
    throw new \BadMethodCallException("Method [$method] does not exist on view.");

New function

    public function __call($method, $parameters)
    if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
        return $this->macroCall($method, $parameters);
    if (! Str::startsWith($method, 'with')) {
        throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
            'Method %s::%s does not exist.', static::class, $method
    return $this->with(Str::camel(substr($method, 4)), $parameters[0]);

Looks like static::hasMacro($method) return true for some reason ( need to debug ) then is called to macroCall and not to $this->with(Str::camel(substr($method, 4)), $parameters[0]);

if you want to check it, just change the new function to old one ( just for testing of course ) if it's work, debug it deeper to understand what is happening there.

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