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JNA Array Structure Pointer

I use java to call the .dll,Now I have a structure with a pointer variable "pBuf"in it. I need to convert an array into a pointer and store it in this pointer variable.


public static class NET_DVR_BUF_INFO extends Structure {
   public Pointer pBuf;
   public int nLen;
   protected List<String> getFieldOrder() {
      return Arrays.asList("pBuf", "nLen");


HCNetSDK.NET_DVR_VIDEOWALLWINDOWPOSITION[] net_dvr_videowallwindowpositions =

I need put net_dvr_videowallwindowpositions to pBuf .

What can i do?

JNA's Structure class has a getPointer() method that returns the pointer to the structure that you need. Since you have an array of structures, you want the pointer to the first element, index 0:

bufInfo.pBuf = net_dvr_videowallwindowpositions[0].getPointer();

Since you defined the array using the Structure's toArray() method, the other elements of the array will be in contiguous memory expected on the native side.

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