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MySQL Data in the PHP Array

I have a table as follows that is used to store details of employees:

| of_code |  name   | employment_status |
|       1 | Jhon    |                1 |
|       2 | Ram     |                1 |
|       3 | Edward  |                3 |
|       4 | William |                2 |

This is one of the options in my Codeigniter project.

Desired output

I want to show the employment_status in separate columns in the view as per the value in it. If employment_status = 1, it should be in the first column. If employment_status = 2, it should be in the second column. If employment_status = 3, it should be in the the column and so on.

Controller (Relevant Part)

$where = NULL;
$this->data['officerList'] = $this->Officer_model->officerSummary($where);


function officerSummary($where){
    $q = $this->db->query("SELECT 
    of_code, name, employment_status as cnt 
    from tbl_officer $where     

        if ($q->num_rows() > 0) {
            return $q->result();


View (Relevant Part)

$officerLists = [];
foreach ($officerList as $row) {
    if (!in_array($row->cnt, $officerLists)) {
        $officerLists[] = $row->cnt;

<div class="table-responsive" id="datatable">

                <table id="ExData" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"
                       class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover table-striped reports-table">
                    <thead id="th">
                    <tr class="" style="background-color: #d966ff !important;">

                        <th style width="5%" class="text-center"><font size="1"> Code</th>
                        <th style width="15%" class="text-left"><font size="1">Name</th>                                
                        <th class="text-center" colspan="<?= count($officerLists) ?>"><font size="1">Employment Status</th>         




                    $count = [];                   
                    if(!empty($officerList)) {
                        foreach ($officerList as $rows) {
                            $total += $rows->cnt;


                                <td><font size="1"><?= $rows->of_code ?></td>
                                <td><?= $rows->name ?></td>                               

                                foreach ($officerLists as $value) {
                                if ($rows->cnt == $value) {
                                if (isset($count[$value]))
                                    $count[$value] = $count[$value] + $rows->of_code;
                                    $count[$value] = $rows->of_code;
                                echo "<td class='text-center'></td>";
                            } else
                                echo "<td class='text-center'>-</td>";                          





The function outs three columns correctly, but with no values. Only '-' shows non-relevant places in the column as follows. 就业状况

What may be going wrong? Can anyone help?

Maybe using a SELECT - CASE structure can be your option

A query in this way

SELECT of_code,
       CASE WHEN employment_status = 1 THEN employment_status AS StatusA,
       CASE WHEN employment_status = 2 THEN employment_status AS StatusB,
       CASE WHEN employment_status = 3 THEN employment_status AS StatusC
FROM yourTbale;
  • Every CASE will verify if the status is 1 or 2 or 3
  • Th previous step will generate a new column with a given alias
  • Because we need the status value as cell value in our result I put it again after the THEN clause

If this work, you only will need to adapt it in CI sintax

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