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Getting lookup value from MS Access with pyodbc

I have a access Database, where some of the cells have been set as lookup to other tabels and this works as it should.

But when I query it from my Python code, I only recieve the number it is placed in the tabel. How do I get the text?

conn = pyodbc.connect(r'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, accdb)};DBQ=' + filepath + ';')
cursor = conn.cursor()

cursor.execute("Select Tagname, PV, OUT from PID")

for row in cursor:

return Tagname, arrIn, arrOut

I'm using Python 3.7 and pyodbc

regards Mads

You need to modify the query to make a JOIN of the relevant tables. Since you don't describe your database or which columns in the PID table that represents foreign keys, it is hard to give a complete answer. It should look something like this:

cursor.execute("SELECT PID.Tagname, PID.PV, PID.OUT FROM PID INNER JOIN some_other_table ON (PID.Tagname=some_other_table.some_id)")

You can also lookup JOIN queries elsewhere and find a better example representing your needs.

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